
Solberg Spinderi



Finalized, in use




11 000


Solberg Spinderi Holding AS, POB


Solbergveien 22, Solbergelva

Solberg Spinderi holds high cultural signifigance and it is one of the best preserved industrial buildings in the country, showcasing the wealth as the main textile manufacturer.

The project converts the historical site into 66 modern apartments and one

The project includes the establishment of 66 modern apartments and commercial areas in harmony with the historic building. The new architectural elements will be defined as to not compete with the original architecture, and these must be made in materials that are typical of the period. The cultural environment contains listed industrial buildings which are a rare example of the development of Norwegian industrial architecture and which are of important historical heritage for the municipality.

The intention was to preserve the industrial character of the original brick building and by contrasting this by choosing materials like exsposed concrete, wood and neutral glass.
Balconies on the top floor are carried out as recessed roof niches as to not break with the original roof shape. New terrances on the ground floor come into direct contact with outdoor areas surrounding the building.

The project is well centered in the natural area with an open stream that partially flows under the building. The stream has a unique and natural quality and provides character to the project.

In the northern part of the property an open car park consistent of two floors has been built specifically for residentail parking. The building is adapted to the existing terrain and designed so that it does not dominate the surroundings.